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Dangerous and Extreme Storms coming for 2022?

January 5-7 2022 Wind and Snow Storm 1st Wind Storm of the year

The storm brought 50-60 mph wind gusts with 8-14ft waves, the storm had winds up to 30 mph for 2 days after the 5th and 6-24" of snow heaviest snow came from Lake Effect snow in Northeastern Berrien County.

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March 5-6th 2022 1st Severe Storm of the year

storms brought 35-45 mph wind gusts into Southwest Michigan and a deadly tornado in Iowa

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storm lasted from 1:00-1:30am with 35-45 mph gusts

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May 25 2022 Severe Thunderstorms Brought 20-30 mph wind gusts

5:20-6:00pm storm brought 20 mph gusts with rotation

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Possible wall cloud and funnel from storm

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June 13 2022 Severe Thunderstorms Brought 30-50 mph wind gusts

North and East of Berrien County got 60-82 mph wind gusts and hail up to golf balls. First Derecho in Michigan of the year

First Moderate Risk of the year

Record Temps for June 14-16th 2022 temps over 100*F with feels like temps over 110*F

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Heat Wave with temps over 100*F

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7:55-8:40pm brought 1-1.60" of rain and pea size hail

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Pictures and video from the storm/Derecho

June 14 2022 The weather station picked up a 99.5F temp and a feels like temp of 123.7F


Golden skies after the storm

The path of the 6/13/22 Derecho 

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Pictures of before the storm, video of thunderstorm over the lake and in the storm

in the thunderstorm July 6th 1:40-2:20am 


July 17 2022 Heavy Rain event brought 1-3.30" of rain into Berrien County Mi

Stevensville Mi got 2.30-3.30" of rain that brought some flooding

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1-3.30" of rain fell in this area


July 21 2022 7th Strong Storm brought 38-60+ mph wind gusts

The storm impacted St Joseph, Benton Harbor and The Great State of Hager

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Microburst over Lake Michigan

The Microburst brought down a lot of trees in St Joseph, Benton Harbor and Hagar. The storm also had dime to quarter size hail with wind gusts over 50 mph.

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video credit Nick


The Microburst caused a lot of trees to fall

July 23 2022 severe risk

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From Grand Rapids Michigan in the morning

July 23 2022 evening storm 10:40-11:20pm brought 30+ mph wind gusts to Berrien County Michigan, 9th storm of the year. The storm brought 60-75 mph wind gusts thru Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Lansing Michigan.
From all of the severe weather in the Midwest it brought 1-6" of rain in a big area.

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When the front was coming into Berrien county Michigan

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August 3 2022 10th Severe Storm of the year Brought 50-60 mph wind gusts

The storm brought down trees and powerlines throughout Berrien County Michigan and along I-94. The storm also caused over 100,000 people to lose power in Michigan.

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Severe/Strong Storm coming into Berrien County

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The severe storms caused 1 person to die in Dowagiac Michigan from a tree falling onto a car and the lightning from the storms caused a injury in Chicago.

No sound in the storm videos, you can see how windy it was

September 11-12 2022 Waterspout Outbreak

Temps between the 50s and 70s with winds between 15-35 mph with 40 mph gusts

6 Waterspouts reported in the Southeast part of Lake Michigan

2nd Wind Storm of the Year

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Syilagyi Waterspout Nomogram

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Zone of the temp difference and the storm height that caused a high chance for waterspouts over the lake.
September 11-12 2022

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September 25-27 2022 Rain and Wind Storm

3rd Wind Storm of the Year

Temps between the 50s and 70s with winds between 20-35 mph with 40-61 mph gusts

9/25/22 Severe Storm Risk

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Brought 40-61 mph wind gusts along the west coast of Michigan, Middle of Lake Michigan got 40 mph sustain wind and 60 mph wind gusts and Stevensville got 1.60" of rain in 24 hours.

Tropical Storm force wind

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October 16-19 2022 Massive Wind Storm

4th Wind Storm of the year

25-40 mph sustain wind and 40-64 mph wind gusts for 2-3 days
       13-20' waves and a HIGH chance for strong rip-currents

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40-64 mph wind gusts and Large waves for 2-3 days

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40-60 mph wind gusts

October 17 2022  20-30 mph sustained wind and 50+ mph gusts

12-17' Waves 

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October 18 2022  25-40 mph sustained wind and 50+ mph gusts

14-21' Waves 


A lot of wind in October, the Massive Wind Storm lasted around 3 Days
with gusty winds lasting for at least 10 days. Strongest Wind Storm since 2019

November 5 2022 Wind + Squall Line

12th Severe Storm of the year

Temps between the 50s and 70s with winds between 15-30 mph and 50+ mph gusts

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Squall Line had 45+ mph wind gusts and brought really strong winds behind it, 50+ mph wind gusts behind the front.

November 16-20 2022 Wind and Lake Effect Snow 

5th Wind Storm of the year

 wind between 10-30 mph and 45+ mph gusts

wind lasted for 5 days along with lake effect snow

November 16 brought heavy snow showers causing trees to fall in Berrien Springs Michigan from the heavy snow causing lights to flicker.

November 17 Strong wind and snow

November 19 Strong wind and snow

Blowing Sand and Snow

20-30 mph sustain wind and 45+ mph gusts

November 16-20 Snowfall total map 

South Bend Indiana 20"+ of snow

Kalamazoo Michigan 20"+ of snow

Areas inland got more snow

One week temp difference going from warm to cold

Temp went from 10+ degrees above average to 10+ degrees below average

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December 22-24 2022 Blockbuster Storm

2022 Year Review:

2022 was a little bit similar to 2021 but with less severe weather but with more weather surprises. But I think from the El Nina we are still in is causing more storms than average around here. If we have another few years in this El Nina we might have more dangerous storms.

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