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My Weather Planes

Plane #1 2013-2019 and 2020-2021

  • Longest lasting plane 2013-2021

  • Survived thru 3 Powerful Derechos with gusts over 70 mph

  • Most snow on the plane was around 24", 2 feet of snow

  • Biggest hail Golf Ball size

       hail 1.75" big

  • Strongest wind gust around 80 mph wind gust

  • Most rain 6" of rain in one day

  • Lasted thru the big 2014 Polar Vortex

  • Survived thru the most thunderstorms with wind gusts over 60 mph

  • Technology GoPro


Plane #1 plane with 
24", 2
feet of snow on it
currently holds the Record
for the most snow on a plane

Plane #2 2019-2020

  • Shortest lasting plane lasted 1 year

  • Coldest temp -10F with Wind Chills in the -30 to -40F during the 2019 Polar Vortex

  • 2nd Most ice on a plane with .20-.40" of ice on the plane

  • 2nd biggest hail, Half Dollar size hail

      1.25" size hail

  • Most snow on this plane was 9"

  • Technology GoPro


Plane #3, Hurricanehawk 2021- Now


storms just started records so far 

  • Most snow on the plane so far 11.5" of snow

  • Most amount of ice on the plane .25-.50" of ice

         (most amount of ice on a plane)

  • 4.5 to 5" of rain, most rain in 2 days

       3" of rain in under or around 3 hours, 5 times

  • Possible quarter size hail

      1" size hail 

  2021 Pea to .50" hail Confirmed

  • August 2021  Derecho 1   60-70 mph gusts

  • June 2022      Derecho 2   pea size hail

  • August 2022  Derecho 3   50-60 mph gusts

  • strongest wind gust so far is 67 mph gust

  • No Strong or Powerful wind gusts yet, needs to be 80+ mph gusts

  • 2021- 17 Severe Weather Storms

        with wind gusts over 48 mph, one of the       highest number of storms compared to other years

  and 3 Major Wind Storms with gusts over 50 mph

  •  Winter Storm Elliott 

                      December 22-24 2022

                         Blowing and Drifting Snow

                                       Heavy Snow 

                        Strong Wind  55+ mph Gusts

                                 Single Digit Temps

                                     -20 Wind Chills

  • Technology GoPro and

       Blink That Doesn't Work (most advance Plane)


10 Years of the Weather Plane

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